Earth and Sky Acupuncture
Earth and Sky Acupuncture

Welcome to Earth and Sky Acupuncture!

If you would like to take charge of your health and well-being and improve your life, Earth and Sky Acupuncture in Salt Lake City is the place for you. Our goal is help you achieve optimum health and wellness. See what Earth and Sky Acupuncture and our experienced team can do for you.

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Our Services

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Cupping and more.


Dr. Robert Zeng., L.Ac., OMD.

Dr. Robert Zeng has 29 years of experience as a Chinese medicine educator and practitioner.  

Dr. Lin Bin., L.Ac., OMD.

Dr. Lin Bin is both a Medical Doctor and Oriental Medicine Doctor in China. She has had 27 years experiense in healthcare field. 


Earth and Sky Acupuncture offers a wide range of services relating to health and wellness in the Salt Lake City area. Learn more about our specialized approach, talented staff and the benefits of turning to us for your health and wellness needs. Browse through our website to find out how we can put you on a healthy track for life.